
“Generating tangible results, improving performance and creating cultures and brands that are truly inclusive and trusted.”

At Dev Modi Consulting, we believe business growth is powered by exceptional purpose-driven, trusted leaders aligned with your organisational values.

We’re passionate about developing motivated leaders who want to create exceptional companies with strong brands and inclusive cultures, where solid results are consistently delivered. Over the past 20 years, we’ve worked with thousands of leaders from many of the world´s best brands to develop and refine services across four key areas: Leader, Teams, Culture and Brand.

  • Your Leaders

    Many leaders feel uncertain, lack the belief clarity, strategy, and support to be at their best and thrive. Dev Modi Consulting offers the following leadership services to support:

    Executive coaching: We provide targeted 1:1 coaching support for leaders, including onboarding, promotion, transition, performance management and mental health and wellbeing.

    Leadership assessment: We use psychometric tools (e.g., Hogan, OPQ, Firo-B) to provide psychological and development assessments for leaders, as well as in-depth interviewing techniques and industry insights.

    Mentoring: We support DEI/HR leaders to be more effective by providing the support they need to deliver proven strategies that work and lead to measurable impact.

  • High Performing Teams

    No leader can be successful without a high-performing, supportive team. Dev Modi Consulting offers a range of services focused on helping leaders tap into the potential of their team utilising bespoke solutions such as:

    Bespoke team building: We provide tailored team development experiences using bespoke team surveys as well as utilising popular team development solutions (e.g., Insights, Lumina, and MBTI).

    Leadership workshops: We provide workshops that create a psychologically safe space for leaders to learn, debate and engage in dialogue.

    Keynote speaking: We deliver insightful, energising and thought-provoking keynotes that engage diverse audiences.

  • Culture Evolution

    In a highly competitive market, where most things can be easily replicated, a key differentiator is an exceptional culture where people feel they belong and do their best work. Dev Modi Consulting can help with the following services:

    Culture change programmes: We support large-scale initiatives designed to transform the way your business operates.

    Culture diagnostic: We use renowned diagnostic tools to measure organisational culture and make recommendations for creating an exceptional company culture.

    Leadership audits: We help you understand the current state of your leadership cohort and identify existing strengths and development areas and their readiness to lead business growth and change in the business.

  • Inclusive Brands

    Customers and top talent are irresistibly drawn to inclusive brands that champion sustainable business practices. Dev Modi Consulting Brand services focus on the following areas:

    CSR and brand activism: We align brand, employee and customer to ensure a positive societal impact.

    Employer brand and EVP: We support you to attract and retain diverse talent by becoming a more inclusive brand.