Keynote Speaking

Dev Modi is a highly successful and sought-after keynote speaker. A captivating storyteller, Dev delivers informative and memorable keynotes that blend organisational psychology, leadership truths and human stories with real world case studies. He leaves audiences enlightened, invigorated and motivated to effect meaningful change.

Dev is a credible and authoritative speaker whose unique insights are both inspirational and firmly rooted in research. He draws on 20 years’ experience working with thousands of senior leaders across the globe, from CEOs to middle managers, unlocking pivotal moments of growth. His credibility is further strengthened by his role supporting renowned industry bodies and underpinned by a solid academic background grounded in science as a graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Science (BSc in Management Science) and City University (MSc in Organisational Psychology).

Dev’s two impactful books, ‘The Inclusive Leader Scorecard’ and ‘Inclusion Unlocked. A Guide for Leaders to Act’, published by Wiley, showcase his extensive knowledge and passion for unlocking the potential of leaders within organisations. While his thought-provoking ideas have featured prominently in renowned publications.

When you book Dev as a keynote speaker for your event, you’re not only securing a high-calibre thought-leader, you’re guaranteeing your audience a transformative experience that will empower them to take personal responsibility for driving positive and meaningful change. Book Dev Modi today to create a truly memorable event infused with passion, inspiration, and wisdom.

Dev’s Key Topics

  • Leading with Inclusion: The Path to Organisational Success

    Dev explores how inclusive leadership can foster innovation, drive employee engagement, and ensure sustainable growth.

  • The Power of Belonging: Creating Inclusive Workplaces

    Dev explains how developing and nurturing a sense of belonging among employees can create more inclusive workplaces that drive employee engagement and retention, develop commitment and motivation, and improve company performance.

  • Diversity and Innovation: The Competitive Edge

    Dev explores how diverse teams can be the most innovative and creative, unlocking potential and giving organisation a competitive advantage.

  • Cultivating Inclusive Teams: From Diversity to High-Performance

    Dev shares practical strategies to transform diverse groups into inclusive, unified, and collaborative high-performing teams.

  • Inclusive Leadership in Times of Change

    Dev explains how inclusive leaders can navigate change and successfully lead their teams through periods of disruptive change.

  • Building Allyship: Everyone’s Role in Inclusion

    Dev discusses how individuals at all levels across an organisation can become allies for underrepresented groups ensuring a more inclusive, happy and productive workplace.